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«OLLI GROUP» - was established in 2008. Interests of "OLLI GROUP" are in innovative sectors with a social orientation.

OLLI TRANS participated in a nationwide forum for road traffic safety

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In Kiev, July 24 at the National Transport University started a national forum for road traffic safety. The Forum was attended by representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, ministries and departments, the Department of Traffic Police, public organizations. In the meeting hall of the Academic Council of NTU gathered about 100 participants of the Forum.
Rector of the National Transport University, Nicholas Dmitrichenko, opening the event, said: "The Forum begins in a difficult time for the country. However, it is extremely important not to stop even now working for the safety of citizens of Ukraine. "
Sergey Budnik, First Deputy Head of the Traffic Police Department in his opening speech, said: "In order to improve the security situation on the roads it is not enough only traffic police. To bring Ukrainian legislation to the European model, improving the culture of behavior on the road, should join the society and the wide range of government agencies, the scientific community and the public, etc. This is why the Ukrainian traffic police initiated this Forum for Road Safety ".

Sergey Budnik

The forum participants show their reports and studies for the improvement of legislation in the field of road safety, health care, driver training, the introduction of an automated system for registration of violations of traffic rules. According to the results of the Forum will adopt a resolution on further necessary action.

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