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"OLLI GROUP" - группа компаний, основанная в 2008 году. Интересы группы "ОЛЛИ" лежат в сфере инновационных проектов с социальной направленностью.


After 15 years in Kiev...

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This week Kievrada has considered the concept of the General plan of development of Kiev till 2025. First of all, they want to decrease level of traffic jams: will construct 4 tunnels, 4 modern transport interchanges and two bridges through Dnepr River.
The first tunnel will connect the area of the Victory to underground "Left-bank". Its length of 7,1 km, and depth under Dnepr — 100 meters! There will be three lanes in both directions.
The second tunnel they promise between Troeshchina and Obolon districts. Its length — 2,5 km. It will unload Moscow and under construction Podolsko-Voskresensky bridges.
The third tunnel they plan between districts of Osokorki and Poznyaks. Its length — about 2 km.
The fourth — from crossing of streets Melnikova and Teligi before crossing Kirovograd and Krasnozvezdnogo of the prospectus (length — 8 km). It will unload street Teligi, the Shuljavsky bridge and street Getmana.
New transport interchanges they want to build on the Post Square, Kharkov Square, Leningrad Square, at metro station "Dnepr".
And new bridges are under construction Podolsko-Voskresensky and almost ready bridge "Kirpy".
All plans — a fantasy. If the bridge build in 2—3 years, to build tunnels — in years 5—10! And the price only a tunnel from the area of the Victory Square to "Left-bank" — almost in 400 million euro is a quarter from city and regional budgets together taken. The tunnels duplicating highways, for example, Teligi-Krasnozvezdnyj, can unload lines, but besides — very high price and long time of construction. By the time of when such tunnel will construct, cars in a city becomes for certain twice more than today, that is more than 2 million
Promise and 19 new metro stations (plus three already constructed, but yet not opened "Goloseevsky", "Vasilkovsky", "Demeevsky") and 16 stations of a city electric train (now it plies only between Petrovka and Troeshchinoj). There are plans to make the left-bank underground (type a high-speed tram): these are 6 stations with Troeshchiny to Osokorkov: «the Prospectus of Vatutina», "Chestnut", "Drajzera", "Saburova", "Tsvetaeva", "Miloslavsky". Besides, want to construct Podolsko-Vygurovskuju a line (through Podolsko-Voskresensky the bridge). These are 13 stations from "Depot Troeshchina" to "Lukjanovsky".
In general, there should be a similarity of a ring of the underground. Again - its a fantasy.
More practicable plans on start around of Kiev electric train — there all rests only against delivery of bridge "Kirpy" which promise already till the end of the year. So by an electric train, quite probably, we can already go for a drive by 2012. But on time it concedes the underground in a way in 1,5—2 times.
About new flat constractions. Till 2025 in Kiev want to build up to 40 million square meters! It is 800 thousand 50-meter apartments. Thus transfer in a building zone threatens Truhanov Island Zhukov Island, Protasov Yar and to a museum of Pirogovo. Such decisions for certain will increase transport jams in these areas.
Contradicts struggle against jams and plans to take down five-floors apartment blocks and to construct on their place of a skyscraper. Till 2025 will work in microdistrict "Sotsgorodok", on the Large forest, Nikolsky Borshchagovka, Otradny, Shcherbakova, Grechko, Riga, Shchuseva, Teligi, the prospectus of the 40 anniversary of October, Makeevsky. As a result of a pulling down of five – nine floors buildings and constraction on their place of skyscrapers the population in these districts will increase in 2,5—3 times. Considerably to expand roads there plans nobody, hence, it is safely possible to expect new traffic jams. Also the construction of roads will cause difficulties in transport movement, according to skilled drivers.
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