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query: SELECT t.* FROM tdb_term_node r INNER JOIN tdb_term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN tdb_vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE r.vid = 56 ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, in /usr/home/mralex/production/www/ollie/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 633.
December, 16th, 2010
The project of system integration «OLLI TECHNOLOGY» and Department of State Traffic Inspection (STI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine continue experiment on introduction of a modern technical complex which is capable to search stolen cars, drivers deprived of driving license and other problem cars in online mode. The ukranian complex "Video control" working by a principle of video fixing of the car with automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) with check under data base. Press-service of STI already informed on it.
«Such system already passed test in Kiev on Stolichnoe highway. And it is successful enough, 28 coincidence of numbers of the cars which is wanted has been fixed, from above 400 – which owners are deprived of driving and 85 cars searched by executive service, as property of debtors. Now «Video control» is placed on post "Bykovnja», for final decision acceptance on its introduction across all Ukraine. At the first stage it is planned to develop such 35 complexes», – told Vladimir Reznikov, the deputy chief of Department of STI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
As the representative of the developer, the technical director of the project Leonid Penek has added: "Complex Videocontrol has perfectly proved at work in various weather conditions and is equipped by the ANPR equipment for work at night. Actually, it's only a part of the multipurpose intellectual-transport system developed by our R&D».